Vitamin D, a prohormone, has been under intense investigation for its relationship to heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and many other chronic conditions. Studies have shown that obese patients are more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency, which compromises various bodily functions. The good news is that those who reduce their body mass index (BMI) are more likely to experience a healthy spike in their vitamin D supply, resulting in a healthier and more positive lifestyle.

What Vitamin D Does

  • Aids in calcium absorption, which is essential for optimal bone health and strength
  • Promotes a strong immune system and helps fight viruses and bacteria
  • Increases energy levels and reduces chronic fatigue
  • Controls inflammation and supports healing properties

Healthy Ways to Boost Your Vitamin D Supply

In today’s world, many people tend to stay out of the sun and work sedentary jobs, both of which can affect their level of vitamin D. Some tips to improve your health and replenish lost vitamin D are as follows:

  • Spend more time in the sun: While many are aware that prolonged sun exposure can be dangerous, due to ultraviolet (UV) rays, it is still important to go out into the sunshine. With proper sun protection like sunblock, you can get plenty of vitamin D with minimal risk of developing skin cancer or breaking down youthful collagen. If you already struggle with age spots, there are many options for reducing their appearance and achieving a beautiful complexion.
  • Lose weight using traditional methods: Although consuming vitamin D may not help you lose weight, eating a healthy diet and regularly exercising can boost your stores of vitamin D. Not only will you feel better, but your body will be able to function more efficiently.
  • Consume foods rich in vitamin D: Sunlight is the primary source of vitamin D for most people, but eating foods that contain this prohormone can help. Fatty fish, including salmon, tuna, and mackerel, as well as milk fortified with vitamin D can help give your body what it needs. Supplements can also be beneficial, but you should speak with your doctor before incorporating them into your diet.


Complement Your Weight Loss

After you have reached a healthy BMI by leading a healthy, active lifestyle, you can target any remaining fat deposits with revolutionary cosmetic procedures. Patients who want to remove more significantly sized pockets of localized body fat can benefit from liposculpting, a modern approach to traditional liposuction. Those who have smaller areas of stubborn fat may opt for Smartlipo®, a procedure that involves using a laser to liquefy unwanted fatty tissue. These treatments are not intended for weight loss, but they can help you refine your contours and achieve the shape you desire after reaching or coming close to your goal weight.


For more information about your fat reduction options, please fill out our online contact form. You may also call our office at 318.219.8555 or 888.305.6693 today to schedule a consultation!