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Many patients find themselves feeling fatigued after breast surgery as their bodies are working hard to heal. Getting enough sleep — and sleeping in the right position — is an integral part of your recovery process. When you are sleeping, your body enters into a state of repair, dedicating more blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the injured muscles and tissues to promote healing.

Woman lounging on couch with her arms behind her head. Additionally, adequate sleep after surgery, ideally around eight to10 hours, is proven to ease the patient’s pain as it allows your body to release hormones that help relax your sore muscles.

This is important after breast augmentation surgery, breast lift surgery, or breast reduction surgery.

How Do You Sleep Better After Your Breast Surgery?

1. Sleep on Your Back With Your Head and Chest Slightly Elevated

While it may seem a bit difficult at first to sleep in this position, it is the best way to help you recover faster. Sleeping on your back with your head and chest slightly elevated minimizes fluid buildup, enhances circulation, and allows you to take the pressure off the chest area for the most beautiful outcome.

Sleeping on your stomach or rolling onto your side should be avoided. This can pose undue stress on your healing tissues or even cause complications like implant leakage or rupture after augmentation. 

Typically, most patients will be required to maintain this sleeping position for at least three to four weeks after surgery.

2. Use a Reclining Chair or Stack Pillows for Extra Support

To stay in the elevated position, it is best to start by sleeping in a recliner or using special pillows to ensure you stay in the correct position. Many people sleep on their back by placing a pillow under each arm to prevent the body from rolling over while sleeping. Also, ensure you wear an approved surgical bra during recovery to keep your implants and/or healing tissues in place while sleeping comfortably.

3. Walk Around

Moving around from the first day of recovery will help reduce the risk of complications and also improve your emotional health and sleep patterns. 

Go for short walks or move around the house but avoid participating in any strenuous or serious physical activity too soon.

4. Use the Prescribed Anti-inflammatory Medications to Ease Pain and Swelling

It is common to feel pain and soreness for a few days following surgery. Taking the prescribed anti-inflammatory and pain medication will help ease discomfort and help you sleep better.

5. Prepare Your Recovery Area

One of the best ways to prepare for your post-operative recovery is to get your recuperation space ready in advance to ensure maximum comfort in the extended period. 

Consider getting soft pillows and a recliner bed that helps you relax in the suggested positions. It is also important to have someone by your side during the initial days of recovery.

Visit Our Photo Gallery

If you are interested in learning more about how breast surgery has helped Dr. Bridges’ previous patients, visit our breast augmentation before and after gallery or our breast lift before and after gallery

Interested in Breast Surgery With Dr. Bridges? 

For more tips on how to promote quality sleep and rest after breast surgery, contact us at 318-219-8555 or fill our online form to schedule your consultation with Dr. Bridges.

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