Plastic surgery is a serious decision for any young adult to make and can have a significant positive impact or be followed with regret. Any teenager or young adult seeking a plastic surgeon should review credentials, certifications, and before and after photos before making any final decisions.

In some cases, teenage plastic surgery is the best solution to a cosmetic issue. In other instances, nonsurgical treatments can help enhance self-confidence and address an area of concern. In this blog, we will discuss the differences between surgical procedures and less invasive approaches, and how to decide which is appropriate for your teen.

upset teenage girl with friends gossiping in background-img-blogCosmetic Surgery in Teens

As technology has improved over the years, there has been a rising trend in teenage cosmetic surgery. This development has its pros and cons. Some doctors are happy to perform procedures on young adults and teenagers that may not be appropriate for the situation. It is important that all details are discussed, including risks, so the patient and parents are fully informed about each surgery. And for most procedures, it is a good idea to wait until a teenager is fully developed before undergoing surgery.

Other procedures, such as otoplasty, or ear surgery, can be performed on babies, teens, and adults to correct concerns in the ears, such as enlarged ears that stick out further than desired. Dr. Bridges can perform this safe, effective procedure for patients of any age because it is not considered major surgery, nor do the ears significantly change over time.

Are Teens Being Bullied Into Plastic Surgery?

The teenage years can be difficult; the pressure to meet particular beauty ideals is something many adolescents struggle with. Often, teens who are considered to be “different” or “weird” based on physical characteristics are bullied by their peers. Many parents are concerned about their teen’s self-esteem and want them to find emotional relief.

Some characteristics can be improved with at-home treatments or by changing the wardrobe. However, even with makeup and clothing, there are some physical features a teenager cannot improve. Plastic surgery often comes to mind when considering how to transform a person’s look. If your child is interested in plastic surgery, how do you know if a cosmetic procedure is right for them?

Is Your Teenager Ready for Plastic Surgery?

Otoplasty is one of the most common teenage plastic surgery procedures performed by Dr. Bridges. When sitting down with your child and deciding if they are ready for plastic surgery, here are some questions to consider:

  • Do they have realistic expectations? Plastic surgery is surgery. Your child should be willing to follow all aftercare instructions and understand what the procedure can and cannot realistically achieve.
  • Are they physically and emotionally healthy? Surgical procedures involve preparation, anesthesia, and recovery time. Your teenager should not have any current medical conditions, be emotionally mature enough, and in good overall health.
  • Are they undergoing plastic surgery for themselves? Teens should not want plastic surgery because they are trying to appease their peers, but rather to improve their self-image and boost their confidence.
  • Is their body completely developed? If their body hasn’t reached full development, any further growth in the treatment site can alter the results of a cosmetic procedure.
  • Do they have time to take away from activities and school? Plastic surgery will involve anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for recovery. It is highly recommended that you schedule their procedure during a summer, spring, or winter break, so your teenager does not miss school or other activities.
  • Are they educated about their procedure? Surgery will involve participation from the patient throughout the surgical process. The best way to ensure a safe and effective experience is for you and your child to be educated about everything the procedure will entail. It is vital to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to obtain relevant information and to have an evaluation of your child’s body and goals.

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Correcting the Skin Without Surgery

Nonsurgical treatments, such as chemical peels, microneedling, and HydraFacial®, can dramatically improve skin quality and give the patient a smoother, brighter face without requiring surgery.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a non-invasive way to treat acne and mild scarring, improving the look and feel of your skin. This treatment is usually beneficial for patients with lighter skin. Initially, the skin may be red and sensitive after treatment and can take up to one week to fully heal.


Microneedlng is suited to all skin types and can smooth out acne scars and reduce enlarged pores. There is no downtime required after this treatment.


Also appropriate for all skin types, HydraFacial® is a cleansing system designed to remove dirt and reduce excess oil and pore congestion. This treatment can also shrink large pores and smooth out an uneven skin tone.


If your teenager is considering a cosmetic procedure, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Bridges to discuss their options and see if plastic surgery is right for them. Our office can be reached by calling (318) 219-8555 or getting in touch online.

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