When a woman wants to enhance her breasts with breast augmentation, there is research that she will need to conduct. What size and shape does she want? What material would she prefer to use? What about style? In this blog, we will discuss the types of breast implants that are available.

Bridges Breast Aug BA -Blog BA ImgMaterial

Implants come in silicone gel, gummy bear, or saline, all of which have pros and cons. Ultimately, it comes down to aesthetic preference. Some patients find silicone gel or gummy bear implants, more appealing due to their cohesive nature, and natural feel.


Women have the option of selecting round breast implants or implants with a more natural-looking tear-drop shape. Most women prefer the rounder form, while a few desire a natural sloping appearance.


Implants can be smooth or textured, depending on which you prefer. However, one implant company has recalled all its texture implants because of its rare associated with a cancerous lymphoma. Smooth implants are softer to the touch and provide a more natural feel, while textured implants develop better scarring which prevents movement of the implants within the breast tissue.


Dr. Bridges discusses the topic of volume during the initial consultation in Shreveport, LA, to see how large each patient wants their breasts to be.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Each Implant Material?

Today, both silicone gel-filled implants and saline implants are available to use during breast augmentation surgery. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends usage based primarily on a patient’s age; saline implants for 18 years and older and silicone gel implants for 22 years of age or older.

The FDA advises that women with silicone gel implants undergo an MRI scan three years after implantation and then every two years following, to detect a potential leak. In the event of a leak in a saline implant, the body will harmlessly absorb the contents.

You don’t need any special tests to detect a leak in a saline implant. Usually, the affected breast will get smaller and less firm over a 24-hour period. No pain will be felt, and the only noticeable difference is a change in size and shape.

Breast Augmentation Techniques

Every year, thousands of women experience the benefits of breast augmentation without major complications. However, it is extremely important to be aware of the potential risks as well as the benefits that are involved with the procedure.

During your consultation, Dr. Bridges will discuss these details with you. Be sure to listen carefully and ask any questions you may have regarding the safety of the procedure. You should do your part to minimize potential risks by strictly adhering to your surgeon’s advice and instructions before and after surgery.

What Are the Differences Between Saline and Silicone Gels?

Different implants will have a significantly different feel depending on the material involved. Everyone can feel their saline implants, but few people will be able to feel their silicone gel implants.

The reason for this is the difference in the density of saline vs. silicone gel; saline breast implants are filled with sterile saltwater, so it feels like a heavy bag of water under the skin. Thinner patients are more likely to feel their saline implants.

Silicone gel has the consistency of thick jello, so they have a similar density as normal breast tissue; therefore, they are less likely to be felt. Anatomical profile gel implants, or gummy bear breast implants, are a stiffer gel so they are slightly easier to feel in the breast.

Implant Movement

Another difference between breast implants is how they move and how a woman’s body reacts to this motion. Over time, gravity changes the appearance and projection of the breasts, and the implants can eventually stretch out the skin.

Pregnancy can cause pressure on the breasts, which can result in the skin stretching out. Typically, the tissue does not snap back to its original shape.

Recovery Time

Breast implants tend to heal at the same rate. The one factor that can change the healing time is whether implants are placed above or below the pectoral (chest) muscles.

Common side effects during recovery include swelling, bruising, and tightness in the bust, which usually reduces within the first week. Discomfort and pain can be addressed with a prescription or over-the-counter pain medication.

Bridges Breast Aug BA Img - BlogAfter the initial healing period, you will return to see Dr. Bridges for a follow-up visit to evaluate your progress. Usually, the last post-operative appointment will be around three to four months. It is vital to keep these appointments so that your surgeon can assess your long-term results and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Call our office to schedule a consultation at (318) 219-8555 or fill out our online contact form.

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