Halloween is just around the corner, and while many decorate homes with spooky skeletons and creepy crawlies, the last thing anyone wants is bat wings ruining sexy costume fun. No, not wings of actual flying bats – we’re talking about the excess flab under your arms. Also called “bingo wings,” unsightly dangling skin and fat can make it difficult to feel confident about your arms, especially whenever you want to wear something sleeveless and cute.

If you’re interested in learning about how to get rid of bat wings for good, consider an arm lift. Read on for an overview of what you need to know about an arm lift so you can enthusiastically wave goodbye to excess skin on your arms.

woman with her arm stretched out

What Causes Bat Wings?

Excess skin under your arms can result from several things, including genetics, aging, and weight loss. Some people are born with the natural predisposition for bat wings, while many people develop them over time as they age and their skin loses its natural elasticity. Sagging excess skin is also common after significant weight loss, as the now stretched-out flesh hangs loosely under the arms.

What is an Arm Lift?

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, removes the excess skin and fat along the underside of your upper arm and tightens the remaining skin around the underlying muscle. It typically involves an incision along the bottom of your arm, from your armpit to your elbow. Then, liposuction is used to eliminate pockets of lingering fat to sculpt your arm further. Finally, the redundant skin is removed, and the remaining skin is pulled tight over your arm, leaving you with a more slender upper arm contour.

Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery

  • Eliminates Excess Skin and Fat: An arm lift targets redundant skin along the underside of your upper arm, as well as stubborn fat pockets in the area.
  • Improved Upper Arm Contour: An arm lift reshapes and tightens your arms, giving them a more attractive and proportional appearance.
  • Increased Self-Confidence: Fretting over the unsightly loose skin on your arms can prevent you from wearing the clothing you want, and make you feel as if you always need to hide your arms. An arm lift takes away those concerns, leaving you with smoother, more toned arms.

Am I a Candidate for Arm Lift Surgery?

Candidates for arm lift surgery have loose and sagging skin on their upper arms that can’t be eliminated through diet and exercise. You should be at a healthy weight, with no plans to gain or lose significant weight.

As with any surgical procedure, ideal candidates should be nonsmokers who are generally healthy with no serious medical concerns.

Timeline of Recovery After Arm Surgery

After your arm lift, you will experience some swelling, soreness, and bruising, but these issues will usually resolve within a few days. You’ll wear a compression garment on your arms to help reduce swelling and shape your arms as they heal.

Expect to take at least a week off work to rest and recover. You can typically return to work after that time, depending on the level of activity required. You must avoid any weight-bearing activities or anything that requires lifting your arms for 4-6 weeks after your arm lift surgery. While some light physical activity is recommended, it typically takes about six weeks before you can return to more strenuous exertions.

Results of Arm Lift Surgery

You’ll be able to see some of the results of your arm lift immediately after your surgery. Your final results will be fully visible about six weeks following your procedure.

An arm lift can completely eliminate bat wings permanently. However, it’s up to you to sustain these results over time by maintaining a healthy, stable weight. Arm lifts do leave visible scars, but they eventually fade. Treatments are available to minimize the scars as well.

Learn More About Arm Lift Surgery in Shreveport

If you’re ready to treat yourself and find out if arm lift surgery is right for you, Dr. Bridges and the staff at Bridges to Beauty are ready to ensure your experience is a positive one. To schedule a consultation, call 318-219-8555 or fill out our online contact form.

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