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Are you unhappy with your breast size, shape, or droop? 

There are different surgical options to consider when you want to enhance the look of your breasts. Two of the most popular procedures are breast augmentation and breast lift.

Woman lying back on a bed wearing a black bra and underwearVarious factors come into play when deciding which option will achieve your goals. 

Ultimately, a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive knowledge in aesthetic surgery is the best way to determine the procedure that best aligns with what you want to achieve.

When to Consider Breast Augmentation

Women who are unhappy about the size and shape of their breasts or want to restore volume after weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding can benefit from breast augmentation.

The procedure uses saline or silicone implants — sometimes with fat transfer — to add volume and reshape the breasts for a curvier and more balanced figure. 

Patients can select their implants’ size, type, and other attributes to achieve their desired look.

When to Consider a Breast Lift

A breast lift targets a different set of needs, including repositioning, lifting, and tightening sagging breasts. This procedure does not increase breast size on its own.

A woman’s body undergoes significant changes throughout her lifetime, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These unwanted changes affect the firmness, shape, and position of their breasts. 

Additionally, sagging tissue or loss of volume causes the nipples to point downward and the areola to become stretched, affecting the appearance of the breasts.

For those who wish to address deflated, sagging breasts, a breast lift can help to restore a youthful look along with a perkier position. 

A breast lift is designed specifically to remove excess, loose skin and tighten the underlying tissues to raise the breasts to a more youthful position. The procedure will also reposition and resize the nipple-areola complex for a more proportionate and balanced look.

Combining Breast Augmentation With a Breast Lift

Often, breast augmentation and breast lift are performed together to give you a complete breast makeover. 

For instance, if you are looking to increase the volume of your breasts but also want to raise the projection of your nipples, you will need both procedures to get the most desired outcome. 

Similarly, if you want to elevate markedly sagging breasts along with a boost in the overall size of the breasts, you will want a combination of the two procedures.

Interested in Breast Enhancement Surgeries?

During your consultation, Dr. Bridges will review your medical history, evaluate your concerns, discuss your goals and explain all of your options in great detail. Feel free to contact us today at 318-219-8558 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation.

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