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Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure that removes extra breast tissue, fat, and skin while also reshaping the breasts into smaller, more proportionate sizes. For many people, it can also alleviate back pain.

Woman sitting on couch with neck pain.For many women with oversized breasts, the excess weight causes back pain, which can be minor, severe, or even debilitating. The discomfort is frequently experienced in other areas of the body, such as the neck, shoulders, or chest.

While large breasts do not cause all back pain, they may be an underlying cause. 

What Are the Benefits of Getting Breast Reduction Surgery?

There are several advantages to undergoing breast reduction surgery. The procedure may help you alleviate lower back discomfort and make you feel more comfortable and confident in your physical appearance.

In addition to less pain, women who undergo breast reduction tend to develop fewer skin irritations beneath the breasts and develop greater self-esteem because they feel like others are no longer only staring at their cumbersome breasts.

How Will Breast Reduction Reduce Back Pain?

The weight of large breasts causes the body to compensate for the extra pounds. Because it is more difficult to keep your shoulders back and upright (as you should for good posture), many women with oversized breasts slump.

Due to this hunched posture, the back is constantly tensed and thrown out of alignment, leading to pain. Overly large breasts put pressure on the ribs, making it difficult for some individuals with big chests to take deep breaths while resting due to a loss of lung capacity.

What Are the Ways Breast Reduction Enhances Physical Comfort?

Breast reduction reduces back, neck, and shoulder pain. It also improves comfort during sleep and relieves skin irritation under the breast and around the bra straps area. More so, it improves how you go about your daily chores due to the improved comfort.

What Is the Recovery Process After the Procedure?

After the surgery, you can resume your daily chores in about two weeks. However, the recovery period varies from person to person. Hence, your recovery period could be longer, or you can regain your comfort sooner. 

Some of the contributing factors to your healing process include home-based care services and if you have underlying health conditions.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Reduction?

You need to think about a few things before undergoing surgery. First, you must be in excellent physical condition and healthy. Second, you need to discuss the risks and benefits of a breast reduction operation with your doctor. Finally, you must make a personal choice to have it done.

Interested in Learning More?

If you have had enough with the physical and emotional discomfort of large, heavy breasts and want to achieve comfort and a physically balanced look, give us a call at 318-219-8555 or fill out our online contact form. Let us assist you in determining the appropriate breast reduction technique for you.

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