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Many men and women struggle with the appearance of their abdomens. 

Whether from age or lifestyle, you may have loose and sagging skin around the midsection, you may have some extra fat in the area, or you may have both. 

Man squeezes his bulging belly fatRegardless of what is bothering you around your waistline, liposuction and tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) can help tighten your tummy and give you a more contoured physique.

Liposuction and tummy tuck surgery are two of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries every year. 

However, many people misunderstand these surgeries, believing them to be procedures that always go hand-in-hand or procedures that are mutually exclusive. The honest answer is: It depends on the patient’s needs. 

So, here’s some information to give you a better understanding of what liposuction and tummy tuck procedures are…

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgery that removes stubborn fat from the body. This is the fat that just doesn’t seem to go away, no matter how many reps you put in at the gym or how healthy your diet is. 

For your liposuction surgery, you will be given general anesthesia. After that, Dr. Bridges will inject a tumescent fluid into the troublesome area to help reduce blood loss and bruising during and after the surgery. 

After the fluid is injected, Dr. Bridges will insert a cannula (a thin, hollow tube) through incisions made in the skin. He’ll then use a power-assisted device to break up and essentially vacuum out unwanted subcutaneous fat and fibrous tissue. 

In total, this surgery usually takes three to four hours, depending on the extent of fat removed.

What Is Tummy Tuck Surgery? 

A tummy tuck is a comprehensive surgical procedure in which the muscles and skin in the abdomen are tightened to give you a more toned appearance. This procedure is perfect for patients who have loose skin and flab, either from age, pregnancy, or substantial weight loss. 

Dr. Bridges offers both full tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck surgery — both performed under general anesthesia. 

  • For a full tummy tuck, Dr. Bridges will make an incision just above the pubic area, often stretching from hip to hip. A second incision may be made around the belly button to correct or reposition the navel, if needed. Dr. Bridges then tightens the underlying abdominal muscles, securing them with internal stitches. After the muscles are tightened, the skin is tightened, and the incisions are closed. This surgery usually takes two to three hours to complete.
  • A mini tummy tuck is performed on patients with less correction needed. The mini tummy tuck process is similar to the full tummy tuck, but the incisions are smaller, and the treatment targets a smaller area beneath the belly button. A mini tummy tuck usually takes one to two hours to be performed.

What Is Recovery Like With Liposuction and Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, which means that the downtime is relatively minimal (usually about one to two weeks). Since a tummy tuck is an invasive surgery, it requires more recovery time (usually about six weeks). Additionally, liposuction scars are generally small and placed in concealable locations, while tummy tuck scars tend to be more visible, though they will be placed as low in the area as possible. All scars should fade over time. 

With both procedures, you will have some soreness, swelling, and bruising, though these will dissipate over the next week or two, and medication can be taken for any pain you experience. During your recovery from either of these surgeries (or both), you will want to make sure that you get enough rest and put your health and healing first. This means not performing any strenuous activities, including lifting anything of weight.

What Are My Options?

While many patients choose to combine liposuction with their tummy tuck, this is not always necessary. At your consultation, Dr. Bridges will evaluate your midsection to see what will offer you the results you want. 

With both liposuction and tummy tuck surgeries, your results will be clearly visible. You will have a slimmer and more contoured midsection. And with that, you will feel more confident in yourself and the way you look.

A good way to think about it is that liposuction removes stubborn fat from the body. This fat is removed permanently, since it is literally suctioned out of your body. And liposuction can be performed virtually anywhere there are deposits of unwanted fat. Conversely, a tummy tuck only corrects your midsection and does not remove any fat. Instead, a tummy tuck contours the abdomen to flatten and tighten the area. 

The great thing with either liposuction or tummy tuck surgery is that your stunning results will be long lasting, especially if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Which procedure to choose really just depends on your specific abdominal condition and your aesthetic goals. However, at Bridges to Beauty, we look forward to helping you achieve that look you’ve always dreamed of.

Want to Learn More About Liposuction or Tummy Tuck Surgery?

If you have any questions about liposuction or tummy tuck surgery, or you want to learn more about any of the other procedures we offer, give us a call at (318) 219-8555, or you can fill out our online contact form. Dr. Bridges performs body, breast, and face contouring procedures for women and men in Shreveport, Louisiana, and the surrounding areas. 

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